Kar želiš, to dobiš (original title Love list, N. Foster)

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Photo: Marko Pigac

The play “Kar želiš, to dobiš” is one of the most humorous projects I have co-created. In addition to having immense respect for both actors (Tadej Toš and Klemen Slakonja), I had the opportunity to collaborate with director Ajda Valcl and others at SiTi Theater, where I experienced the freedom of acting expression.

The story unfolds as follows: Martin, who has been single for some time, receives an unusual gift from his best friend for his fiftieth birthday – with the help of a matchmaker, they intend to find him the ideal partner. For this purpose, the two men must compile a list of ten essential qualities that the chosen one should possess. To their surprise, when the “perfect woman” actually appears, they quickly realize that the list needs some adjustments, leading to an hour and a half of top-notch humor, as well as reflection on perfection and the expectations we harbor towards our partners.

The role of Rafaella, which I was fortunate to take on, opened up countless questions for me. What should the perfect woman be like? Which qualities define her as perfect? Is it even possible?

What do you think? Comments below are greatly appreciated!

I am also attaching some interviews if you are interested in the play’s creative process:

  1. https://novice.svet24.si/revija/lady/clanek/domace/6561fc2c703c6/vsak-je-kreator-svojega-zivljenja
  2. https://njena.svet24.si/clanek/svet-slavnih/644b848840a5c/vsestranska-umetnica-lea-cok-sreci-pusti-da-jo-sama-najde
  3. https://www.slovenskenovice.si/nedeljske-novice/mlada-igralka-lea-cok-poudarja-ves-zunanji-uspeh-je-posledica-notranje-rasti/
  4. https://www.delo.si/magazin/zanimivosti/tadej-tos-lea-cok-klemen-slakonja-v-iskanju-popolnega-partnerja/

Photos: Marko Pigac

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