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So far I am mostly writting in Slovene. I like short quote about life and i released my first book Teme o svetlem ali svetloba v temi ( Themes of Light or The Light in the Dark- in Slovene is a playword). Those quotes I started to write during lockdowns and it helped me to keep my faith. And i shared it with others. I also write poetry, and short stories. 

My quotes: 

At least I don’t need to remove my makeup, which vanished with the tears of realisation, i don’t need a mask to be myself”. 

I don’t need to fix myself to fit in, i can improve myself to be fit. “

Our exsistence dependent on kindess, otherwise we wouldn’t be humankind.” 

There are also some quotes from my book and a short story of the stone that saw the gulls and wished for wings. 

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